Worked part time as Marketing and Web Development from April 2017 to July 2018.
Duties included
- Creation of an entirely new website using Wordpress/HTML/CSS. 
- Implementation of an online store.
- Creating a part-builder for products that would input gas types, radio types, etc. and output the SKU (part number) and the respective price. 
- Create creatives for the website.
- Adjust the website back-end so prices appear differently for domestic versus international customers. Hide prices if you are not logged in.
- Filter through the account request form for those who are actually customers and distributors of our product.
- Create graphics to be used on the website and on other platforms.
- Design and print banners for tradeshows
- Create company catalog using Photoshop and InDesign.
- Create consumer facing training videos for products.
- Design business cards.

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